According to Professor Evans, As Counselors...
- "We help students to see the boundaries since parents may not be making it clear to their own kids. "
- We can explain to kids that, "There are rules everywhere. You don't have to do them or follow these rules, but know that there will be consequences to your actions."
- "We teach skills, give choices & explain consequences"
- "Don't push, or tell students what to do. Instead, give them reasons or explanations on how that will impact them" (explaining social convention). For example, when male students choose to wear their pants lower than their boxers, Professor Evans suggested that a counselor explain where/how that supposed style came from- prison because inmates weren't allowed to wear belts. In this way, the counselor is sharing wisdom and giving the student the power of knowledge to perhaps make better decisions on his attire.
- "To be empowered counselors, it is important to have a dialogue with your school's administration and teaching staff in order to change a school culture (re: dress code/saggy pants) . Counselors need to identify the prevalent problem (social norms) & discuss options ."
- It's important to "know and convey a student's role. Be careful not to push, but rather explain expectations and provide options to the student. Explain to the student that we're no trying to take his/her identity away, but reiterate how it could hurt their reputation if their pants are sagging down . And point out that unfortunately, society can be cruel and as counselors, we want the student to function successfully in society".
- "It is important that we "use good judgement."
- "Give fair options to students, present the facts, and let the student decide for themselves what they want to do with that information."
- "We may run into certain cultural norms, so we'll need to figure out how to effectively deal with it."
- "We can't get rid of judgements, we need to lower them."
- "Determine how we can service students fairly, including times when we're dealing with problems and 'ugly' norms."
- "Plant the seeds; we don't mentor since that's a long-term journey."
- "It is important to look @ the school climate and culture and get resources together to understand the demographics of the study body whom we will serve and counsel."
- "Know the resources in the area for students to utilize, as needed."
- When speaking to a student who is new to the school, she suggested we consider saying the following, "I understand that you're coming into a new & different environment. So let me review with you our standard norms to help you understand and feel comfortable in this environment." THIS- was an "aha ha!" moment for me in a BIG way!
I hope these quotes will inspire you all, as much as it did for me.
Thank you Professor Evans for providing me with the tools to become an effective communicator and counselor- I truly appreciate & value your words of wisdom!
On a different note, there was one percieved negative concern that I observed and learned from in class; my commentary on that particular subject is posted under Smitty's blog.
Julie, your kindness and attention to detail overwhelm me. Thank you sooo much. I'm confident that you will be a fine counselor. Much success.