As Marisela and John stated in their blog, it is interesting that the experiment used a toy that is very similar to a punching bag. Seconds into the video, I thought the theorist should have used a different toy; not a toy that is meant to be hit. I also found that it was interesting that the only toys in the experiment were violent. There were a gun, a hammer, and a few other things that I couldn’t identify (but I’m sure they were violent too).
Albert Bandura famous “Bobo doll” study was set up to prove his social theory, that children learn and mimic behaviors they have seen in other people. The study had the children to observe the adult aggressive behavior toward the Bobo doll. The children watched the adult physically and verbally attacked the Bobo doll. After the adult left, the children began to repeat the adult’s behavior toward the Bobo doll. In this case study, social behavior appears to be learned. However, would the result be the same if the children didn’t view the adult behaving violently toward the Bobo doll? How would the children play with the Bobo doll without the adult demonstration?
Overall, I’m not an advocate for this case study. However, I agree with Albert Bandura’s modeling process: Attention, Retention, Reproduction, and Motivation. These are important factors to affective learning. In order for a child to learn they have to pay attention to the information that is giving to him or her. If the information is interesting the child will most likely listen to it. It is also important for the child to understand and know the information that is presented. If a child really understand and know the information they could retrieve it at any time. Once the child had paid attention and retain the information, they are ready to perform the information. However the child has to be motivated to pay attention, retain, and reproduce the information. Learning how to ride a bike is a perfect example of the modeling process of attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation.
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